External Communication, International Co-operation and Networking” MAY 17-20, 2006 İzmir
Objective :
As NGOs of Balkan and Mediterranean countries we will focus on external communication, international co-operation and networking issues. During the workshop we will share our experience with others and look for ways of continuation for our partnership/ collaboration. The presentations and discussions during the workshop will serve for developing the capacity among the organisations.
To be recognized, to build capacities and to explore opportunities for partnership 9-12 March 2006, Gabrovo – Bulgary
The role of NGO’s to support the transition towards sustainable development – The engagement of citizens in the NGO : tools and mechanisms to improve the engagement of different social groups in the environmental NGO’s (information, sensibilization of public opinion, communication tools, training of volunteers, etc.)
The training of volunteers and professionals in the NGO’s, the expertises, how using the scientific datas ?, the technical tools (to anlayse air, water or soil quality for example), how to create a network of experts ?, how to evaluate the action of public authorities, etc. Objective : to collect example of practises
European Union, Citizenship and NGOs” 9-11 December 2005, Veria – Greece
Objective :
It is a first step towards the creation of a network among the 30 NGOs taking part to the project, and it is an opportunity for all the participants to introduce their organization.
The workshop also starts the training session : the functions and activities of the NGOs in the European context will be developed through information and case studies.